First Responders Land SAR Operations Course – Indo Pacific Nations
Search & Rescue (SAR) Training Australia offers the First Responders LandSAR Operations course tailored specifically for Indo-Pacific Nations. Consisting of 15 individual units of study, this course provides students with in-depth studies in land search and rescue operations within their region. The theory, methodology and assignments covered in this course have been mapped against, and written in line with, POL58121 Diploma of Police Search and Rescue Coordination and equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage a Land SAR incident.
All learning resources are provided electronically as part of the training. Through the medium of e-learning, SAR Training Australia’s highly experienced and professional LandSAR experts deliver knowledge and competency-based learning directly to a student’s home or workplace.
Students can study at their own pace, at times that suit them, without the need to travel distances to attend classroom-based lectures. Our virtual campus is especially advantageous to our commercial clients as it allows their staff to best balance family, work and studies.
Highly recommended for Police, Military and civil emergency services engaged in land search and rescue coordination operations.

- The Indo-Pacific Search and Rescue System
- The Indo-Pacific Search and Rescue Authorities
- Search and Rescue Roles and Responsibilities
- Military and Civil Community
- Operational Intelligence
- Briefing and Debriefing
- The Functions of Time in Search and Rescue
- Distress Alerting
- COSPAS-SARSAT International Distress Beacon System
- Staffing the Rescue Coordination Centre
- Search and Rescue Facilities and Resources
- Aerial Search Capabilities and Air Observer Searching
- Map Reading, with Dr. Whitehead
- Lost Person Behaviour and the Indo-Pacific, with Dr. Whitehead
- Statistical Strategies in Land SAR, with Dr. Whitehead
- Developing Land Search Areas, with Dr. Whitehead
- Medical Considerations in SAR, with Dr. Luckin
- Medical Factors in tropical environments (Indo-Pacific), with Dr. Luckin
Pre-requisite: Employee in an operational SAR function (Police, Military, Civil Defence or Other)
Duration: 12 weeks self-paced (online)
Schedule: On demand
Cost: AU$1,450/student, Commercial group bookings on request
Extension Training: On completion of this course, SAR Training Australia can provide in-country LandSAR coordination exercises and assessments for a workforce.