Introduction to Search and Rescue
Search & Rescue (SAR) Training Australia offers the course ‘Introduction to Search and Rescue’. Consisting of 13 individual units of study, this course provides students with an entry-level program to the world of aviation, land and marine search and rescue, international search and rescue agreements and conventions, and the search and rescue roles and responsibilities of individuals.
All learning resources are provided electronically as part of the training through the medium of e-learning, SAR Training Australia’s highly experienced and professional search and rescue specialists and experts deliver knowledge and competency- based learning directly to a student’s home or workplace.
Students can study at their own pace, at times that suit them, without the need to travel distances to attend classroom-based lectures. Our virtual campus is especially advantageous to mature students as it allows them to better balance family and work responsibilities. Highly recommended for anyone wishing to enter the field of land, marine or aviation search and rescue.

- International SAR Conventions and Authorities
- The Australian Search and Rescue System
- The Australian Search and Rescue Authorities
- Search and Rescue Roles and Responsibilities
- Mission Management
- Operational Intelligence
- Briefing and Debriefing
- Medical Considerations
- Staffing the Rescue Coordination Centre
- Search and Rescue Facilities and Resources
- Search and Rescue Communications
- Introduction to Aviation, Marine and Land Search Planning
- Marine Distress communications
- Distress Alerting
- Radio Signals
- Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
- COSPAS-SARSAT International Distress Beacon System
- Ship Reporting Systems
- The Functions of Time in Search and Rescue
Pre-requisite: Nil
Duration: 12 weeks (Self-paced, online) OR 2 weeks (Full-time, online)
Cost: Private Students, AU$1,450 / Commercial Clients, Price-on-request