SARLINK Incident Management System Operators Course
SAR LINK is the definitive choice for IAMSAR agencies and HQ level operations, seeking a comprehensive solution for managing SAR operations.
As a complete Incident Management System, SAR LINK provides agencies with the essential tools and capabilities required to orchestrate seamless SAR missions, safeguard lives in distress, and manage data and intelligence effectively.
- Introduction to SARLINK operating system
- All the tools that the SAR Calc Pro Operator Course covers
- Data Management
- Situation Awareness & Decision Making (SITREP) Reporting
- Concluding an incident
- Data capture & coronial reporting
Pre-requisite: Completion of SAR Operators Course or equivalent training
Includes: SAR Calculator Pro License (Individual, non-commercial)
SARLINK available on subscription basis
Duration: 5 days
Schedule: On demand
Cost: Price on request, commercial group bookings & license subscriptions available